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Ambion PureLink™ RNA Mini Kit RNA纯化试剂盒 12183020
  • 商品编号: Scipu003755
  • 参考价格:¥1785.00      
  • 关注热度:1003
  • 产地品牌:赛默飞英杰Invitrogen
    Ambion PureLink™ RNA Mini Kit RNA纯化试剂盒 12183020价格|型号|图片|厂家咨询     咨询电话: 027-8670 8218
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实验室采购商城向您推荐Ambion PureLink™ RNA Mini Kit RNA纯化试剂盒 12183020,品质保证,价格优惠,全国联保,欢迎咨询。

The PureLink® RNA Mini Kit provides a simple, reliable, and rapid column-based method for isolating high-quality total RNA from a wide variety of sources without the need for hazardous reagents such as phenol. Obtain high-yield, high-integrity RNA from animal and plant cells and tissues as well as blood, bacteria, yeast, and liquid samples. The PureLink® RNA Mini Kit provides:

• Rapid, non-hazardous RNA purification capabilities
• Ready-to-use RNA for many downstream applications

Rapid and convenient column purification 
The PureLink® RNA Mini Kit provides rapid purification of total RNA from a wide range of cells and tissue types to yield up to 1,000 µg of purified RNA from a single extraction (see table). High-quality total RNA can be obtained from mini- to midi-prep amounts of starting material with no genomic DNA contamination.

Simplified, nontoxic RNA purification
The PureLink® RNA Mini Kit combines nontoxic guanidine-isothiocyanate lysis with the speed, purity, and ease-of-use of silica-membrane purification. The safe and easy procedure can typically be completed in less than 20 minutes without the need for hazardous phenol/chloroform extraction, CsCl centrifugation, LiCl, or alcohol precipitation.

The PureLink RNA Mini Kit is recommended to be used together with the Homogenizer (Cat. No. 12183026) designed to homogenize cell or tissue lysates via centrifugation, prior to nucleic acid purification. The Homogenizer is especially effective for clarifying particulates from plant tissues.

For plant tissues rich in polyphenolics or starch (e.g., pine needles, potato tubers), we recommend using PureLink™ Plant RNA Reagent (Cat. No. 12322012) together with the PureLink RNA Mini Kit.

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